Northbound Gear Winter Donation

At Northbound Gear, we understand the importance of staying warm and dry during the colder seasons.
That is why we committed to donating clothing to help those who are less fortunate. This winter we donated 1000 pieces of warm gear to residents of the Downtown Eastside in our home city of Vancouver, Canada.
We packaged these cold weather items into kits; each kit included a beanie, gloves and warm socks.
Founded in the beautiful city of Vancouver, we believe it is our moral duty to help the community around us. Every year we hear about the less fortunate being sent to hospitals and the struggles they face from the harsh winter weather. There is no reason for this to be happening.
No matter who you are and where you are from, having warm clothes during the winter season is a human right. While we will not be able to solve the problem alone, we wanted to do our part and help those in need.
Keeping the extremities of your body warm is crucial during the winter, which is why we decided to donate gloves, socks and a toque.
The gratitude and appreciation shown by our neighbours on the Downtown Eastside made this an incredibly fulfilling experience. We are committed to making a positive impact in the lives of others and a lasting difference in our community.
As we continue to grow as a company, our commitment to our community continues to as well.
We will continue giving back and helping our community thrive in any way we can.
That is a Northbound Gear promise.
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